Many countries in our world celebrate an Independence Day – in fact, here in the United States, ours is only a few days away – and there is no reason why people in fantasy worlds should not celebrate them as well. Below I outline several ways that Heroic, Paragon, and Epic tier campaigns can benefit from the introduction of this holiday.
Category: table-top
I often like to throw in unique NPC’s who are the only member of their race / species. For instance, in a campaign that I was running about 12 or so years ago, I created a half-red dragon half-black dragon hatchling that was going to play a role in the entire campaign. You can download a PDF of the first adventure in the campaign (the only one I actually ran) on the resources page.
How many times have you been in a gaming session and someone pronounces the name of a D&D race, character, or place in a way that makes you think you have been reading different books? I am not talking about cases where the person was trying to be funny, read something incorrectly, or has a regional accent different from yours. Examples of this from my own experience include “homonuclei” instead of “homonculi”, or “salad” instead of “slaad”; yes, I really have heard both of these in gaming sessions. I am talking about cases where you realize that you really have no clue how to pronounce the name.
Recently I had purchased the Monster Manual II for Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition and have mixed feelings about it. Overall, I feel that it is a good addition to my collection, but there are a few things holding it back from being all that it could be.
When the Eberron campaign setting came out in 3rd edition, I had dismissed it as uninteresting. Also, as I already had purchased the materials for 5 other published campaigns, I did not want to invest money in yet another one. However, I had started playing Dungeons & Dragons Online recently – which as you may know is set in Eberron – and it intrigued me enough to purchase the Eberron Campaign Guide and the Eberron Player’s Guide