Recently I had purchased the Monster Manual II for Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition and have mixed feelings about it. Overall, I feel that it is a good addition to my collection, but there are a few things holding it back from being all that it could be.
Category: Dungeons & Dragons
When the Eberron campaign setting came out in 3rd edition, I had dismissed it as uninteresting. Also, as I already had purchased the materials for 5 other published campaigns, I did not want to invest money in yet another one. However, I had started playing Dungeons & Dragons Online recently – which as you may know is set in Eberron – and it intrigued me enough to purchase the Eberron Campaign Guide and the Eberron Player’s Guide
Since it is St. Patrick’s Day, I decided that it would be an appropriate time to come up with some more holiday inspired adventure ideas. And, since leprechauns are underutilited, most of these plots involve the little green fellowes.
I have been complaining since Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition came out that many of the features that I relied on in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition had been removed. I have now not only come to accept that this information will never be added to D&D, but have actually come to see this lack as being beneficial to the game.