Second D&D Session

Since my Dungeons & Dragons group is meeting a week early, I suppose I should post the exploits from the last session now or I’ll be behind. If you missed the first session (hosted by the always entertaining Vanir of Critical Hits, be sure to check it first so that this chapter makes sense.

Captain Rule told us to go to Westmarch (and Waterdeep if possible) to warn them of the possible danger. Then Expe (short for Expendable and played by a new addition to our group) ran screaming into the encampment saying that more of the sludge monsters were on their way. Before we could react, a heavily wounded man also ran into town screaming about a swarm of stirges and horde of zombies that were on their way. We quickly dispatched the ones that made it into the camp and lit a fire pit to keep the others at bay. Most of the zombies were stupid enough the walk through the fire and the stirges were picked off with ranged attacks.

Rule had been bitten in the neck by what appeared to be a zombified stirge and black ooze was coming out of the wound and her mouth. There was nothing that we could do for her, so we set out to find Percy the Priest of Pelor in Westmarch. On our way, Jed cast ghost sound to make it appear that a worg was outside of our campground; you have to keep your comrades on their toes during dangerous situations.

When we arrived at the temple of Pelor, Ferdinand told us that Percy went on a pilgrimage to Icewind Dale but members of the party managed to bluff him into letting us search Percy’s room telling him that we were expecting him to leave us a message. Thimbledorf then cast ghost sound to make it appear that a chandelier downstairs had crashed buying us a few seconds to steal an article of Percy’s clothing. Those of us outside (Jed included) noticed Ghostbuster type clouds in the sky and it started raining muck.

After much frantic screaming, the rest of the party joined us outside for the festivities. There appeared to be a forcefield outside of town preventing us from leaving and we assumed (correctly) that Westmarch was turning into a cube of slime. We managed to climb a 30′ water tower and, using rope and a grappling hook, were able to get to the top of the 50′ wall. Once at the top, Thimbledorf attached another length of rope to the hook and dropped it down the outside of the wall.

After climbing down, he spotted two cultists and a larger than usual slime monster but was able to remove one of the stakes without being noticed. That is, until the wall exploded sending him flying into the back of one of the aforementioned cultists. Since the wall collapsed, the rest of us ran out to fight the enemies to all that is wholesome. After quickly dispatching them, we removed the stakes at the other three corners and returned to the encampment to check on Captain Rule.

Dundee (Thimbledorf’s old friend) stopped the guards from arresting / killing us and explained that Rule had gone insane from zombie-mutant-stirge poison. We made a hasty retreat and continued on to Icewind Dale in our pursuit of Percy the Priest of Pelor in hopes that he persisted on this path. When we got near, we let our wolf-friend sniff the purloined item of clothing to lead us to him.

Percy was presented with a challenge in the form of thousands of zombies and was about to perish. He was managing to kill dozens – or even hundreds of them – but they were just too plentiful and persistent. Before he died, he did manage to tell us to seek master Orga. We made another quick tactical advance to the rear as the zombies quickly turned to us.

The next scheduled session is for two weeks from today, so after my next post – probably this weekend, you will have to wait in suspense for a while.

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